Thursday, August 5, 2010

Karen Triggiani's iPhone Battery Blues

Karen Triggiani told me she found this article useful for her problems with her iPhone:

Cue the chorus of happy iPhone owners: "Finally!" With iOS 4, Apple added some long awaited features to its three-year-old iPhone platform. Arguably the most important was multitasking, which lets users run Pandora, Skype, GPS navigation apps, or other useful programs in the background while browsing the Web or talking on a call.

This seems like it would take a toll on battery life. Early reports are that it does, although the situation is more complex than it appears. Lots of people around the Web are complaining the battery runs down more quickly with iOS 4, even though it features limited multitasking that only lets certain portions of code run in the background. The rest of the time, the OS just freezes each app where you last left it.

It's too early to tell whether the battery life issue is caused by multitasking itself or by poorly-programmed third-party apps. Nonetheless, while the latest iPhone 4 features improved endurance, it's not a huge jump over last year's iPhone 3GS, which was no marathon sprinter.

Fortunately, there's plenty you can do to increase your iPhone's battery life. Here's a comprehensive list for anyone frustrated with his or her device's endurance. Our recommendation? Implement all of these fixes, bask in the glory of your device lasting for several days at a time, and then bring back a few features you really miss.

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